Sunday, August 3, 2014

Things are looking up...

So today wasn't so bad after all. Early on, the cabin fever set in and took hold but after countless hours of shopping, mafia, spades, hack sack and even some rainy throwing the rain stopped. And then the day did a complete turn for the better with strong sunshine the order of the afternoon.
Different view from the hotel this afternoon!
In our hotel there are a few different teams, Scandal from Washington DC - the no.1 seeds in the Women's Division, Catchup - a Mixed Division team from Graz, Austria, ROBOT - the UK Women's Masters team (with lots of familiar faces including Warrior/Woz!) and two Wellington teams - the Wildcats (Open) and Artemis (Women's). We got wind of the Wildcats boys playing Ragnarok at a local field and went down to see if there was room for a throw and jog.
Eliott Trotter of Skyd Magazine & Ultimate Globetrotter pulls for Ragnarok  vs Wildcats
By the time we got there the sun was out and the field looked perfect - an astro football pitch, completely unaffected by the rain. We got lots of throwing in and a jog and then sat and watched the game. Ragnarok looked good, very good in fact. Bolstered by their 4 Doublewide pick ups and the globetrotting Eliott Trotter, the Danish team look like they are here to do business. Wildcats started slowly but came back into the game as it went on. Both teams will be hard to beat.
Happy birthday Ben!
Back to the hotel for some more lounging and then we went for a joint dinner with LMS. It was fun to have 40 of us in one restaurant eating pasta, pizzas and having the craic. some gelato on the way home rounded of a good day.
Gelato! Nomnomnomnom...

Tomorrow the competition starts for real - the pitches are meant to be waterlogged (the EFDF tweeted that they've used helicopters to dry them!) and the games have been shortened (80mins, 2 less timeouts per team, shorter half-time etc) but it remains us playing against two teams on the biggest stage we can play on. The squads relaxed and looking forward to actually getting on with it at this stage. It's been a little surreal and very odd. Here's hoping the rest of the week runs smoothly. For now, it's game time!

Monday Schedule:
11am: LMS vs Woodchicas
1pm: Ranelagh vs Clapham (UK)
5pm: Ranlagh vs KFUM Orebro (Sweden)

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